บริษัท อินซ์เทค เมโทรโลจิคอล เซ็นเตอร์ จำกัด
Calibration laboratory |

Accreditation ISO/IEC 17025 : 2017
Section calibration laboratory Click ในแต่ละด้านเพื่อดูบริการในแต่ละ Lab
ทางบริษัทฯ ได้การรับรอง Accreditation ISO/IEC 17025 : 2017 ทั้งแบบ In-house และ On-site
รายชื่อเครื่องมือที่ได้รับการรับรอง Accreditation ISO/IEC 17025 : 2017 (ILAC) |
1. Electrical & RF Microwave |
2. Temperature & Humidity |
3. Dimension |
- Watt-hour meter (1 & 3 Phase)
- AC Power meter (1 & 3 Phase)
- Power meter (V, Ω, A, Hz, Watt)
- Multimeter & Power supply
- Clamp meter
- Volt meter
- Amp meter
- Resistance meter (0 to 1 TΩ)
- LCR meter
- Withstanding voltage tester
- High voltage tester (140 kV)
- Hipot tester / Harmonic tester
- Insulation tester
- Frequency counter
- Frequency generator
- Multifunction calibrator
- Process calibrator
- Decade resistance box
- Stop watch
- Counter meter
- Tacho meter
- Power source
- Signal generator
- RF Power meter
- AM-FM Modulation
- Audio Generator
- Network analyzer
- FFT Analyzer
- Step Attenuator
- Oscilloscope
- Oil tester
- Breakdown tester
- Thermocouple sensor (-80 to 1,200 'C)
- RTD & PRT sensor (-80 to 600 'C)
- Digital thermometer with sensor
- Temperature controller with sensor
- Temperature recorder
- Glass tube thermometer
- Dial thermometer
- Standard thermometer
- Digital thermo-hygrometer
- Thermo-hygrometer
- Thermo-hygrograph
- Data logger
- Water bath
- Oil bath
- Auto clave
- Hot air oven
- Vacuum oven
- Incubator
- Freezer
- Refrigerator
- Furnace
- Temperature chamber (-80 to 1,200 'C)
- Humidity chamber (20 to 95 %R.H.)
- Dry block calibrator (-80 to 1,200 'C)
- Micro bath calibrator (-80 to 250 'C)
- Temperature calibrator
- Temperature transmitter
- Infrared thermometer
- Heat block
- COD Reactor
- IR thermometer
- Temperature mapping storage areas
- Microscope
- Glass scale
- Optical flat
- Optical parallel
- Gauge blocks
- Spheres / Precision ball
- Standard coating foil
- Coating thickness gauge
- Ultrasonic thickness gauge
- Vernier caliper
- Micrometer / Rod setting
- Dial gauge / Dial thickness
- Digimatic indicator
- Dial test indicator
- Bore gauge
- Height gauge
- 3-Wires gauge
- Plug gauge / Pin gauge
- Plain plug / Plain ring
- Thread plug / Thread ring
- Profile projector / VMM
- Steel ruler / Steel tape
- Inclinometer / Grind gauge
- Precision level
- Bevel protractor
- Radius gauge
- Feeler gauge
- Micrometer head
- Dial gauge tester
- Jig fixture
4. Optical & Chemical
5. Torque & Force
6. Pressure & Vacuum
- UV meter (UVA-UVB-UVC)
- Optical power / Laser power meter
- Solar radiometer
- Lux meter
- Color meter
- Sound level meter
- Anemometer
- UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
- pH meter
- Conductivity meter
- Centrifuge
- Refractometer / Refecetive index
- Viscometer / Ford cup
- Irradiance meter
- Micro pipette / Pipette
- Burettes / Volumetric flask
- Cylinder / Beaker
- Test sieve
- Gas detector (O2 / CH4)
- Electronic balance
- Mechanical balance
- Standard weight
- Steel weight
- Universal testing machine (UTM)
- Tension & Tensile tester
- Load cell (50 ton)
- Force gauge
- Push-Pull gauge
- Screw torque driver
- Torque wrench
- Air torque
- Setting torque wrench
- Torque tester
- Torque calibrator
- Durometer (A, B, C, D, O, DO, OO, M)
- Vickers / Knoop hardness tester
- Rockwell / Brinell hardness tester
- (HRA, HRB, HRC, HBW, HV1/5/10)
- Pressure calibrator (0.01% F.S.)
- Digital pressure
- Pressure gauge
- Vacuum gauge
- Absolute gauge
- Perani vacuum gauge
- Manometer
- Barometer
- Pressure indicator
- Pressure recorder
- Test gague / Level
- Digital test gauge
- Pressure sensor
- Pressure module
- Pressure transmitter
- Pressure switch
- Control valve
- Safety valve
- NIBP Medical
ระยอง, ชลบุรี, ราคา, เครื่องวัด, ความแข็ง, แสง, สี, เสียง, ความหนืด, อุณหภูมิ, ความชื้น, เครื่องแก้ว, Solar power meter, Flow meter, Gloss meter, Master ball |